Studio Tomou

Zabihah is an online food ordering platform that aims to highlight Halal restaurants, markets, businesses and more.

The challenge: create a contemporary new look to a battle-tested interface

Zabihah wanted a new look that helped showcase it's newfound dedication to Halal enterprises. It's current design was showing signs of fatigue and a new company direction wanted to harness their already established international userbase. The brief was to keep it simple - as online ordering gets busy very quickly - and to really focus on core UX principles for ergonomic use.

Product Designer

Thomas Cranstoun

Valuing the user experience above all else
The largest challenge here was to make sure the purpose wasn't being lost: Zabihah wanted users to be able to order Halal certified food, find local Mosques' and locate groceries that cater to their specific needs.

The end result were three core screens that are easily navigated between via a swipeable nav bar; thereby creating three unique User journey's but still keeping the core mission clear.